A sample of traditional choral repertoire conducted by Dr. Ken Harned
Mixed Choral Repertoire
RENAISSANCE: John Bennett Weep O Mine Eyes
William Byrd Ave Verum Corpus
John Dowland Come Again Sweet Love
Claudio Monteverdi Sfogava con le Stella
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Alma Redemptoris Mater Sicut Cervus
Tomas Luis de Victoria Jesu Dulcis Memoria O Magnum Mysterium
BAROQUE: Johann Sebastian Bach Kyrie, from Mass in B-Minor
George Frideric Handel For Unto Us a Child is Born, from Messiah Sing Unto God, from Judas Maccabeus
Hans Leo Hassler Cantate Domino
Antonio Lotti Crucifixus
Giovanni Battista Martini Domine, ad Adjuvandum Me
Michael Praetorius Psallite
Alessandro Scarlatti Exultate Deo
Antonio Vivaldi Gloria
CLASSICAL: Franz Joseph Haydn Gloria, from Heiligmesse
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ave Verum Corpus Kyrie Eleison Requiem
ROMANTIC: Johannes Brahms Liebeslieder Waltzer, Op. 52 Sehnsucht
Anton Bruckner Ave Maria
Pavel Chesnokov Salvation is Created
Gabriel Faure Cantique de Jean Racine Requiem
Felix Mendelssohn Verlieh uns Frieden
Sergei Rachmaninoff Ave Maria
Gioachino Rossini Cum Sancto Spiritu
Franz Schubert Heilig
20th CENTURY EUROPEAN: Benjamin Britten Ceremony of Carols Choral Dances from Gloriana
Bob Chilcott Greensleeves
Francis Poulenc Gloria
Folke Rabe Rondes
Roy Ringwald Battle Hymn of the Republic Precious Lord, Take My Hand
John Rutter Gloria Requiem Down By the Riverside
Ralph Vaughan Williams Dona Nobis Pacem Five Mystical Songs
20th CENTURY AMERICAN: Radol Alan Bass Gloria
Jean Berger My Days are Like an Evening Shadow
Leonard Bernstein Chichester Psalms Mass Missa Brevis
Rene Clausen All That Hath Life and Breath The Water is Wide
John Corgliano Fern Hill
William Dawson Everytime I Feel the Spirit Soon-Ah-Will Be Done
Norman Dello Joio Come to Me, My Love A Jubilant Song
Cecil Effinger Four Pastorales
James Erb Shenandoah
Daniel Gawthrop Sing Me to Heaven
Jester Hairston Amen Elijah Rock
Moses Hogan Basin Street Blues Elijah Rock
Gail Kubik Polly Wolly Doodle
Morten Lauridsen Dirait-On O Magnum Mysterium
Norman Luboff All My Trials Stile Nacht
Randall Thompson Frostiana The Last Words of David
Mack Wilberg Cindy Three Scottish Folksongs
Men’s Choral Repertoire
RENAISSANCE: John Dowland Come Again Sweet Love
Thomas Morley April is in My Mistress Face
Lodovico Grossi da Viadana Exultate Justi
Tomas Luis de Victoria Ave Maria Jesu Dulcis Memoria
BAROQUE: George Frideric Handel Hallelujah, Amen Swell the Full Chorus
Antonio Lotti Crucifixus
Michael Praetorius Sing dem Herrn
Antonio Vivaldi In Memoria Aeterna
CLASSICAL: Ludwig van Beethoven Hallelujah, from Mount of Olives How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adoramus Te Christe
ROMANTIC: Anton Bruckner Ave Maria
Gabriel Faure Cantique de Jean Racine
Edvard Grieg Brothers Sing On
Giacomo Puccini Nessun Dorma
Pavel Chesnokov Salvation Belongeth to Our God
20th CENTURY: Randol Alan Bass Gloria
Franz Biebl Ave Maria
Pablo Casals O Vos Omnes
Michael Cox Praise Him
William Dawson Ain’-a That Good News Soon-Ah-Will Be Done
Emma Lou Diemer O Come Let Us Sing Unto the Lord
Maurice Durufle Sanctus, from Requiem
Fenno Heath Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
Ron Jeffers Workin’ for the Dawn of Peace
Peter Knight You Are the New Day
Morten Lauridsen O Magnum Mysterium
David Maddux Michael’s Letter to Mama
George Mead Down in the Valley
Ron Nelson Behold Man
Kent Newbury Shenandoah
Thomas Pasatieri Mornings Innocent
William Henry Smith Ride the Chariot
Peter Sozio El Yivneh Hagalil
David Stocker Whistle, Maggie, Whistle
Randall Thompson The Last Words of David The Pasture Stopping by Woods
Wendell Whalum Betelehemu
Mack Wilberg Cindy
Women’s Choral Repertoire
RENAISSANCE: Thomas Morley Fire, Fire My Heart
Giuseppe Pitoni Cantate Domino
Tomas Luis da Victoria Ave Maria
Thomas Weelkes Come Now, My Dearest Jewel The Nightengale
Johann Sebastian Bach Domine Deus
George Frederic Handel Awake the Trumpet’s Lofty Sound
Georg Phillip Telemann Praise Ye the Lord
CLASSICAL: Franz Joseph Haydn Gloria, from Heiligmesse
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudate Dominum
ROMANTIC: Luigi Cherubini Veni, Jesu
Gabriel Faure Tantum Ergo
Felix Mendelssohn Lift Thine Eyes
Arthur Sullivan Finale from The Gondoliers
20th CENTURY: Ernani Aguiar Salmo 150
Ruth Artman Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Benjamin Britten This Little Babe
Eugene Butler Glorificamus Te
Pablo Casals Nigra Sum
Stephen Hatfield Las Amarillas
Ron Jeffers Le Sommeil de l’Enfant Jesus
Gail Kubik Oh, Dear What Can the Matter Be
John Leavitt The Bells
Donald Patriquin Ah Si Mon Moine Voulait Danser
Paul Sjolund Kumbaya
Stephen Sondheim Johanna
Randall Thopmson Come In A Girl’s Garden
Brian Trant Battle of Jericho |